myself and spouse has known each other 31 years now and became man and wife after going together 3 years we had a great marriage and two great sons and marriage still going strong, but we got our son a computer well she started useing it to make a s long story short she met a man from another state then after i had to go on disability she got a full time job and all our charge cards paid off she told me that same night we got the answer back that our house was safe and was not going to take it from us she told me she wanted a divorce later found out after i let her and our two sons have the house we both worked on so hard i let her have it and found out later she had been going back and forth to canada was long before she asked me for a divorce and never knew a thing about it talk about being hurt why do spouses treat ecah other so harse mostly after you have gave them so much all i ever done was just love her and our sons done the best i could ever worked two full times jubs so she could be a mother liike we both wanted her to be, the thing is stil love her and part of our settlemenrt was i let her have the house and family car and took the lot we got i want to let jher and the boys have the lot and garage back what should i do? i still love and care about my ex wife and sons, i know she still loves and cares about me, she just will no admit it to me openly, thanks all , mike
it hurt me so bad i wanted to end my life but knew if i did my sons really would be the ones that got hurt from having no dad at all