My husband has varicoceles (a large vein twisted around his left testicle and ducts). It was diagnosed when he was a teenager. That doctor did NOT do a semen analysis, but told my husband that varicoceles are quite common and that he should still be able to have children "one day". Well.... will that "one day" ever come? =/ I really feel like it won't. We've been TTC for 10 months (had been off the pill for a LONG time before we started trying). Because he has a known medical condition, my doctor will take our "case" before the one year point. Tuesday is my annual pelvic exam and pap smear. My doctor will give us his semen analysis results then.
We're both really nervous, but especially him. We talked (and fought) long and hard about our decision to have kids last year. And we talked about this semen analysis and I tried to re-assure that I will always love him regardless to what the test says. On one hand, I'm glad we'll finally know... and on the other hand, I'm scared to death to hear that we can't have kids.
Any advice or encouragement from people who've been here before?