2007-05-23 20:08:41 UTC
Please give advice!!! period? pregnant?
Hello, well my last period was 16th April 07 today is now 24 May 07 and still no period!! Since the 13th May ive been getting a heavy feeling n cramps like im about to start...i even put a tampon in and nothing!! my boobs are starting to get sore as well...i did a preg test on 23rd May in the morning n it said negative...if im not pregnant then why am i getting all these cramps, heavy feeling sore boobs but no blood!! i am not stressed in my life at all so i know thats not delaying my period...and im not convincing myself im preg or anything so i no the sympoms are genuine.. and also an update is ive been having lots of clear discharge for the past week..but not smelly so i no its not a infection please give some advice!!