When trying to conceive with pcos, how long do you think ill have to wait before they start medical treatment?
2007-01-21 07:54:01 UTC
I have been diagnosed with PCOS nad have been trying to conceive for 2 years now. My fertility consultant said to go away and lose weight and go back in 3 months. Ive lost a couple of pounds already and am due to see her at the end of march. its hard, and im concerned if i dont lose enough, or even if i do, she'll tell me to go and wait another 3 months to see if i can conceive naturally. When will she offer me medication, like clomid? I hate to say it but im not very assertive and would hate to ask for it because i dont want the doc to think she cant do her job, but its been 2 years now. also being only 21, do you think she'll say im too young for treatment? HELP!!!!
Seven answers:
2007-01-22 04:45:27 UTC
Laura I am also 21 with pcos and have been trying for 2 years. It is nice to meet someone else like me!

Firstly I would not worry about your age, that is something that I was really worked up about, but the doctor was fine, she didnt even mention it actually. If your doctor is more judgmental take no notice, and maybe even change doctors..they cannot refuse to treat you though as there are no age restrictions on fertility treatment other that ivf that you have to be 25 for on the nhs..

When it comes to clomid depending what tests you have already had I'm afraid it may be abit longer I was transferred last august and I am hopefully starting the clomid and metformin which is also good for pcosers in march. I had to have numerous blood tests and a laporoscomey (where they go in and have a look at your ovaries and womb) and for all of this it takes time! Unfortunately it is a waiting game.

Do not however let her tell you to wait again to try naturally. 2 years is long enough and make it clear that you want treatment.

You may not be interested but there is a fantastic website for pcos which includes a discussion board for fertility issues and it amazing support. the address is my user name is SMOGY so you can read any of my posts. if you decide to join or just want to have a look, you will find loads of answers to your questions.

good luck
2007-01-22 13:46:36 UTC
Sounds like you need a new doctor. There is no reason for her not to be giving you medication to help with the PCOS. Once you've been on that for about a month, then it would be a good idea to start other fertility treatments (such as Clomid). Here's some basic PCOS info and links for you. I would HIGHLY suggest getting a new doctor (preferably a reproductive endocrinologist). As for your age..that shouldn't make a difference.

I recommend seeing a reproductive endocrinologist. They are generally more knowledgeable about PCOS and the correct treatment. Unfortunately, many doctors are not aware of the proper treatment.

The underlying cause of PCOS is insulin resistance (IR). The best treatment for PCOS is going on an insulin sensitizing drug such as metformin (1500-2550mg per day) combined with a low carb diet and exercise. There are a few important things to know:

1. Many women "pass" the test for IR, but still respond positively from the metformin. No one knows exactlly thought is that the test is not a sure fire way of detecting the IR.

2. You must be on a high enough dose of metformin. I've heard women complain that their bodies dont start working even though they've been on metformin for awhile. Some doctors are hesitant to up the dose past 1500mg...but for some of us it takes more. I don't respond until my dose is around 2000mg a day.

3. It can take a few months on the correct dose, before your body is regulated.

4. It is important to treat your PCOS even if you are not trying to get pregnant. There are higher risks for many things (high blood pressure, blood clots, diabetes, and many other things) when you have PCOS, but if it is treated properly, then those risks are lowered.

When the PCOS is treated properly, all of your symptoms may not disappear, but they should improve some. It will also be a lot easier to lose weight (and keep it off). Our bodies work against us when we try to lose weight on our own, making it nearly impossible to lose weight.

There are TONS of books about PCOS and dieting. There are two that I recommend. Here's the links at amazon for those:

I also recommend a couple web sites: This one is a great message board where you can ask all your PCOS questions or just chat with the women who are also dealing with PCOS. Good luck.
2007-01-21 16:36:12 UTC
my sister in law has pcos and is at the moment trying to get her body ready for fertility treatment such as clomid. I dont think that your doctor is being horrible to you, they wouldnt do the job they do if they didnt want to help woman achieve their dream of having a baby but if you read up on pcos, one of the most important things alot of medical specialists suggests is that you lose weight and take regular excercise as this can help your condition and help you conceive naturally. some herbal remedys such as agnus castus can also be used to correct hormone inbalance and regulate your periods. I understand that its hard for you but your still young and 3mths isnt a long time. You have already lost a few pounds whcih is great and by doing this you are increasing your chances of achieving pregnancy whether you do eventually need a drug such a clomid or not. Keep your chin up and I wish you all the best. To find online support groups/help for sufferes of pcos type in 'pcos support' or help for pcos sufferes' and alot of different sites will come up. Take care.
2007-01-21 17:00:37 UTC
Loosing a little bit of weight will make you feel better at the end of the day, as long as you are trying to loose the weight your doc will aprreciate your efforts and she shouldn't send you away.

I would seek a 2nd opinion, even a 3rd opinion, if you weight is a factor then you can be sure that this doc isn't just "putting you off".

A friend of mine was only told she has PCOS after having a miscarriage (she didn't even know she was pg) and she fell pg 2-3 months after that, naturally, not once did her doc mention loosing weight.

There is a site called where they have loads of women in your shoes, I'm sure if you visit there and post your stroy you will find loads of answers and encouraging words to help you along :)
2007-01-21 17:41:16 UTC
hi just thought i'd say what i think on it, i've got pcos as well, but it's a well know fact it's so much harder to lose weight with pcos anyway, and you'll prob lose weight more slowly than someone without pcos.

As youve been trying for so long anyway you really need to speak up and say something and ask when your going to start the actual treatment and say that you know your trying to help me but i'm desprate to start something like clomid now instead of waiting.

and nothing happing it's depressing

i know it's hard when i first went to the gyno i kept having test after test after test with nothing happing !

the best deit to go for pcos - so i'm told is the low gi deit as it's something to do with the hormones and the blood sugar levels

if all else fails ask to see a different gyno next time i know it's hard speaking up i used to be the same but you really need to.

good luck xx
2007-01-21 16:07:22 UTC
Find another doctor! I also have PCOS and was diagnosed at 19yrs. I visited no less than 5 different docs. that told me, go home. Your fat and infertile, it will never happen. I cried for so many years. I met my hubby at 21 and married at 22. We tried for one yr. NO LUCK! On a last chance whim, I found an awesome OB/GYN that spec. in infertility. He told me that I wasn't crazy, fat or completely infertile. He put me on Clomid for 6 months.(different dose each month) On the 6mth. and the highest dose allowable. We became pregnant with our oldest daughter! She is now 5 yrs.old. and a gifted student in school. DO NOT let ANYONE, docs. included tell you your fat or crazy. It took us a total of 3.5yrs. to realize our dream. Please don't ever stop dreaming. Find a doctor that will work with you and not make you feel like your another number! Good Luck and Godspeed!
2007-01-22 10:17:26 UTC
IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment; IUI, ICSI and Laparoscopic surgery is very cheap in India. The cost is very low and the medical services are very good in India.

My cousin and her husband got their IVF treatment in India through the Forerunners Healthcare in India and is all praise for this company. She is a known case of PCOS.She is a very happy mother of a baby boy now. She just paid 2500 pounds for the full IVF treatment in India for which she was quoted 8000 pounds in private setup in UK.

Forerunners Healthcare is very famous in India. I read a lot about them in the newspapers. I have also read about a Chinese couple who planned surrogacy through the Forerunners Healthcare. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery and infertility treatment like IVF, IUI, and ICSI abroad for low price. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery and treatment can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this helps.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.