Hazel Eyes
2011-11-11 14:24:27 UTC
i was trying the dr told me i was around 6 week to 7 weeks she said my blood level was 47 she said my levels drop i started to cry and i ask the dr when can i start to concived? she told me to wait at least 3 to 4 weeks
so 3 weeks passed and i still didnt get my period i get my period every month but on a diffrnet date now it is sept 19th i took a hpt showed up postive with a faited line as the days went by i have had no symptoms
slight lower back pain every now and then slight tenderness and right now some headaches i sit in bed just to be safe i always have my feet up i dont move around just to sit on couch and sleep and use bathroom
on the 5th of oct i started to spot a little it was creamy light brown at on that day the next it day was pinkish and it was a mixed color of pink and brown
i was scarred but i feel i was still pregnant and god would not take this was it bless me right a way then the next day went back to brown only spoting no bleeding with brownish mucus and a feeling like i had to use the bathroom normber 2.the feeling only last for 15 mins
the spotting it last for 5 days ending oct 10th then still was still safe not moving around alot staying in bed till my appoment
on oct 12th they didnt see anything on ultrasound they took my bleed told me to come back next week so on 19th of oct it showd a sac on ultrasound and my blood come back postive but not in my urine
they told me to come back next week so on the 26th of oct showd the sac got big accorting to the ultrasound said im 5 weeks and 2 days i was so happy but i was scared it didnt show up on urine but dr said it shows up in blood and ultrasound so your good so i am happy but lil scared cause didnt show up
days went by and on nov 5th i started to spot so light you cound not even see no cramps it was very light pink then it went to pink 1 day then 2th day was only light brown creamy with mucus as well took a hpt on the 7th of oct
negitve very worrried
the spotting stop on oct 10th last for only 5 days
happy that spotting stopped but worried it showed negitvie on hpt
it should have showed i was 7 weeks when i took that test
now i am 7 weeks and 4 says im a scared to take another one cause its gonna come back negaive
im waiting for my appment on monday
please anyone tell me did this happen to you or anything like this im confued