Trying to conceive... does this hurt our chances?
2007-09-08 20:00:15 UTC
Me and my boyfriend are really trying to start a happy family. We desperately want a little one running around and we already know all the responsibilities,but we have sex about 2-3 times a day to assure that we will conceive. We have both heard that havingsex so much "weakens" the sperm. Is this tru and what does it mean?
But most importantly, what will help us be able to bring a baby in the world?
Seventeen answers:
Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys!
2007-09-08 20:15:45 UTC
Having more sex does lessen your chances of falling pregnant as the quality of the sperm isn't as good.

There would still be a lot of semen but not as much sperm in the ejaculate.

What you want to do is know when you are ovulating (buy ovulation kits, chart temps or find a ovulation calculator on the net )

Then have sex once a day, 2 days before ovulation, on the day you ovulate and 2 days after ovulation to ensure the ejaculate has quality sperm in it. Try to abstain from sex 2-3 days before this time to ensure your man's little swimmers have plenty of time to rejuvenate. After ovulation you are free to do as you please!

Ovulation happens generally 10-14 days after the first day of your last period.

Also after sex, stay laying down with a few pillows under your hips/bum to quote, 'bathe your cervix in sperm' (a very clever midwife tip!) for about 30mins. This helps keep them in there and better's their chances of finding your egg!

Most of all, have fun doing it and try not to wear your man out or his little men might not be doing their job very well or there might not be enough of them either!

~best of luck TTC~
2007-09-08 21:54:45 UTC
Sorry, this might sound old fashioned, but if you two are not committed enough to get married, then what the heck are you doing trying to have a baby??? How can you committ to a child when you cant committ to each other?

No, having frequent sex does not weaken sperm. But, you might want to re-think having a baby. Having a baby does not mean you will have a "HAPPY FAMILY." It does mean you will have a lot of sleepless nights caring for the baby and you will never have enough money because you will always be spending it on diapers and formula. You might think you know the responsibilities, but you have no idea! Try this: set your alarm clock to wake you up every 2 hours for the next week. See how ready you are after that. See how that affects your relationship. See how happy you are then. Having kids is great, but it's not all wine and roses like you make it sound.

One more thing, if you are not smart enough to know that sperm can live for 24 hours and there is no need for sex three times a day, you are not smart enough to have a baby!
2007-09-08 20:57:22 UTC
I read all of the other questions you've posted. First of all you're too young, at 17. Atleast finish high school, maybe go to college, then have a family. If he loves you enough to have a baby with you then he should marry you. Also, I don't think you really know the responsibilities. Do you have an extra $400 a month excluding childcare for a baby? Most likely you'll get on government assistance so we all have to pay for your baby. It sounds like you don't know how to get pregnant. You ovulate the 4 middle days of your cycle, sperm can live for 5 days. You shouldn't even be doing it every day then because the sperm do get weak.
2007-09-08 20:05:47 UTC
Well once you stop trying so hard BAM it happens. So I'd say cool off for a little bit : ) I was int he same situation and as soon as I settled down within the next month I had morning sickness and a positive preg test. And yes having htat much sex weakens the sperm and puts the number of sperm he ejaculates down. They say that having sex every other day or every two days is best so that his sperm can rebuild up. Good luck and God Bless the both of you!
2007-09-08 20:16:58 UTC
Ok. according to your other questions, you're 17, just started dating an older guy barely a month ago and you're already ready to have his baby? Besides that you said you both dropped out of high school and maybe will try to complete your GED later.

It's obvious that both of you are thorougly unprepared to support a baby. About 20 other answerers all said the same thing, but I guess you're ignoring all the advice.

My concern is that you say you're both trying to have a baby. But very few 19yr old guys are trying to have anything but some sex. I wonder if he even knows that you're TTC. Even if this guy sticks around after the baby comes, it's almost guaranteed you won't be able to afford it alone and the taxpayers will have to pay for your poor decisions (WIC, public assistance, etc.).

Instead of trying to bring a baby into this world, how about cementing your relationship, finishing your GED, and making him give you a long term committment that he will support you and this future baby for the next 18yrs?
Lofty M
2007-09-08 20:12:59 UTC
Relax ... often nothing happens when we are stressing.

You can get something similar to a Preg Test kit that measures the hormones that indicate if you are ovulating. See your chemist and find out what is available. Then you can be more specific about the times to try. There is some more info on the weblink below about how to detect if you are ovulating.

Good luck
2007-09-08 20:10:42 UTC
If you want a happy family, I would strengthen your relationship first. I'm not trying to be condescending but look at the laws regarding common law marriages in your state.

If you choose to start a family before marrying just make sure you are prepared for what *might* happen.

As for conceiving, having sex any time two weeks before your period works.
rebecca f
2007-09-08 20:07:47 UTC
Having sex too much will lower the sperm count temporarily and reduce your chances of getting pregnant. You would have a better chance if you switch to every other day and try to have sex around the time of your ovulation.
2007-09-08 20:17:42 UTC
truthfully, different things work for different people....and i truly believe that having sex serveral times a day does weaken the sperm count. try every other day......but the most important thing really is to relax and not think about it.....and trust me, i know its hard to not think about when you want a child badly......but it was just when me and my fiance stopped wanting a baby so bad, and just made love, that we finally took us well over 6 months though.there are many different things you two can try elevating your lower half after he has ejac and stay in bed for at least 30-45 minutes to allow travel time for sperm......if all else fails, we tried me going back on birth control once for about 2 months (nuvaring) and then stopped, went back to unprotected sex and was pregnant the next month. but again, different things work for diff people.....GOOD LUCK!!!
2007-09-08 20:12:47 UTC
I've never heard of such a thing! It must be an ol' wives tale...kinda like using a thread to figure out whether it's a boy or girl.

Take prenatal vitamins while trying to conceive. Eat healthily, stay active, consult a doctor and have faith that everything will turn out perfectly. Good luck!
2007-09-08 20:09:16 UTC
Yea I have heard that too. Try just having sex every other day or every 2 days.....That should let his little guys recharge. When you don't give the sperm time mature then they die easier.
2007-09-08 20:09:00 UTC
I think there is a lot of folklore and not much science behind that idea, it doesn't matter how much sex you have, just as long as you enjoy it! Try to relax about the whole conception thing (it's hard, I know) and just enjoy having sex with each other, you'll get there eventually.
2007-09-09 00:32:44 UTC
You guys are doing it too much try having sex every second day around the time you are ovulating
2007-09-08 20:29:05 UTC
First off Im sorry to hear your TTC since your only 17 and havent been with this boyfriend of your very long. I think maybe you should wait a little longer.
2007-09-08 21:05:16 UTC
Get married.
chapped lips
2007-09-08 21:47:48 UTC
lol so your bf is good for baby making but not marriage material huh? take the next step and wed.

1. Have sex three times a week.

Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.

2. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.

Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are also a worthwhile investment if you would like to get pregnant faster. Fertility monitors are similar to ovulation prediction kits in that they read changes in LH but they also read changes in other hormones and don’t require any guesswork for couples. They are easy to use and will tell you when the best time to get pregnant is.

3. Have sex before ovulation (not after).

Sometimes couples get confused about the best time to have sex in relationship to ovulation. You have a small window of time each month to get pregnant. After a woman ovulates the egg will survive approximately 24 hours. Sperm, on the other hand, will live for up to three to five days. This is why having sex two to three days before ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Don’t wait until the day you ovulate to have sex. Your partner’s sperm will last longer than your egg and you don’t want to miss an opportunity by waiting.

4. Don’t rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.

A lot of couples have heard to have sex around day fourteen of your cycle. This is based on the calendar method and assumes that you have a regular 28-day cycle and ovulate mid-cycle. Although this is better than just picking an arbitrary day to have sex, it is not a very accurate way to predict when you ovulate. Many women do not ovulate on day fourteen and knowing precisely when you ovulate will help you time intercourse better. Ovulation prediction kits, looking at previous months bbt charts, or watching for body cues will help you to determine when you ovulate.

5. Charting may not be the best way to predict ovulation.

Charting is great for tracking your cycle but it does have disadvantages. By the time you can see ovulation on a bbt chart, you have already ovulated. It is good to chart so you can track your cycles, see if you ovulate the same time each month, and also so you can look back on your cycle and see if you timed things right. But if this is your first cycle trying to get pregnant or if you are not ovulating at the same time each month, an ovulation prediction kit would be more helpful.

6. See a doctor before you start trying to get pregnant.

Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.

7. Don’t smoke, drink alcohol, or abuse drugs when trying to get pregnant.

This may seem like common sense but many women do try to get pregnant while smoking, drinking or using drugs. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can affect your fertility. It will also affect your unborn child. It is important to stop smoking or using drugs and alcohol before getting pregnant and not wait until you find out you are pregnant.

8. Have enjoyable sex.

Sometimes when couples are trying to conceive, sex becomes a job or function of reproduction and is not as enjoyable. Plan a romantic evening or try something different to spice things up. How you are feeling sexually may factor into your chances of getting pregnant. Some researchers believe that having an orgasm during sex increases your chances of getting pregnant. For women, the spasmic movements of orgasm will help pull the sperm into the uterus and for men a better orgasm may increase the man’s sperm count.

9. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.

The missionary position is a good position to use when trying to get pregnant. Avoid positions where the woman is on top. Gravity will allow sperm to leak out with these positions. Also try placing a pillow under your hips to help tilt your pelvis and keep the sperm in longer. Don’t get up right after sex. Try to relax and allow the sperm to stay in the vagina as long as possible.

10. There is no such thing as trying too hard to get pregnant.

Most couples get pregnant within a year of trying. If you have not gotten pregnant within a year consult your doctor for advice.
2007-09-08 20:10:15 UTC
i would lower that to once a day or every other day. he will have a higher sperm count.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.