2010-03-20 15:26:49 UTC
I think I might be pregnant. In fact, I'm thinking I'm almost positive that I am, but I've had a lot of weird experences in my life and I need some advice. Im 21, and I am aware of what I need to do ultimatly (go to the doctor and get professional advice and what not.) and I will, but it is Saturday night and I can't do that right now, so I would like some piece of mind for now.
My last period was Feb 16. I had unprotected sex many many times throughout Feb and the first two weeks in March. I would say, nearly every day, maybe skipping one or two days in the middle somewhere. My cycles are not always on time, so being a day or two late is not abnormal, but they are usually somewhere around the 30 day mark. My last period, however, was, I think 45 days, leaving me with no period in Jan.
On the 12th of March I had sex and noticed that there was blood mixed with CM on the sheets on and him. It didn't make into much - nor did it continue after that day. We had sex after that, and no blood was mixed with it whatsoever after. It wasn't much, just enough to notice. Shortly before that, I was noticing how my bbs where feeling full and painfully heavy. (Mine are fairly large to begin with, so its easy to notice when they get heavier. lol) They were not sore much, but I did notice they couldn't take quite as much abuse as they could before. My period never ever comes that early in the month, so I chalked it up to gaining weight or something because I've been feeling INCREDIBLY bloated, like how I feel before AF every month, but TEN times worse.
Around that same time (maybe a day before) my boyfriend noticed spots on my areolas that were not there before. I looked them up, and it appears they are the montgomery glands. After having seen this, I thought I might be pregnant. I took a HPT FRER and it read BFN. I continued on with my days and then noticed that nothing was sounding good to me to eat, except taco bell or mexican food and I could eat enough to choke a horse. If I get to hungry, I start to feel sick and lately, right after I eat, I feel sick -- but dont ever throw up. (as of yet) The feeling subsides after a while and I don't notice it much.
I am urinating more frequently then normal, but by no means am I going a ton. Just more then normal for me, but I am drinking a lot more then normal because my throat is hurting a ton and is dry. This is another curious thing to me, I was feeling seemily fine, then my throat just started hurting one day (as if it was sooo dry like when you wake up in the morning and need water) and it continued for two days, then just - Stopped. The day it stopped my nose got so stuffed up that I can hardly breathe. Now, my nose is running .. Im notcing a lot of breast pain as well.. not tenderness to the touch, but sharp like pains and tingling sensations in my nipples.
I took another test (dollar store cheapy) the other night. I did not use my first morning urine, but I read that these tests are very sensitive. I used the droper to drop five drops of urine in the cassette and it quickly went across the test area, and a control line appeared. After about 30 seconds, I didn't see another line, so I got up and walked away. (I was told that they usually appear quickly if U have hcg in your urine.) a while later I went to use the bathroom and just glanced at the test and thought I seen a line ... I picked it up and sure enough - a pink line.. SOOOOO incredibly faint.. in the test window appeared. I showed my boyfriend and he seen it too, so i know it wasn't in my head.
I read about evap lines and read that they generally appear gray or dull in color and can show up at any point. But, this wasn't a ghost line, or dull or gray for any streach of the mind, it was pink. I read reviews from various websites and seeminly these tests get very good reviews and don't show evap lines often. The previous test I had taken didn't show anything other then the control line. Could it be a very faint positive that I just missed? Or maybe tested to early and my hcg wasn't high enough in the late night urine?
I am going to test again, but those pregnancy tests can be expensive, so i'm trying to hold off. I know If i purchase one, I will use it.
Currently, I'm three days late .. well, two days late for my period, with no signs shes on her way. I usually get cramps and can tell .. but nothing like that.
Opinions? And please leave out the rude ones.. thank you.
PS. I do not have an STD neither does my boyfriend. And We did not have oral sex at all, so, no that is not what caused the sore throat.