cervix CM... Need your help?
2007-08-22 13:03:36 UTC

OK... I know i am the newbie and all... but am looking for a little help. My husband and I have been trying to get BFP for about 6 months. We are thinking this month is the month.... My question to you dolls' is after my O.. my cervix went back down for a couple days than shot right back up. my CM was very watery/ wet... a little cloudy/ creamy.. then yesturday it was very high/ soft/ a little open and tons of stretchy CM. If I had already O'd waht could be going on??? I am due AF in 4 days.... please help me figure this out or point me in right direction..
Seven answers:
2007-08-22 13:10:50 UTC
Sometimes you get that stretchy cm right before AF is about to show. Sometimes you get it when AF is about to show, but she doesn't.

You could definitely be pregnant. Especially with the details of how your cervix is.

Hope this helped ya some.
2007-08-22 13:27:02 UTC
Couple things- the cervix can raise again for aunt flo. However, that may not be the case. Some women (although rare) actually ovulate TWICE in a cycle, even that far apart. I'd BD just in case, maybe even take an OPK if you have one laying around. Or, you could be pregnant. You might be able to take a First Response Early Result test as early as tomorrow, but make sure you use first morning urine. Good luck!
2016-10-16 16:11:29 UTC
Couple issues- the cervix can improve lower back for aunt flo. besides the shown fact that, that isn't be the case. some women human beings (besides the shown fact that uncommon) honestly ovulate two times in a cycle, even that a ways aside. i could BD in basic terms in case, maybe even take an case you have one laying around. Or, you need to be pregnant. you have the skill to take a usual reaction Early effect try as early as day after today, yet ensure you employ first morning urine. reliable success!
2007-08-22 13:11:14 UTC
Ive heard the best time to get pregnant is when your discharge is creamy and sticky/stringy because the seaman sticks to this better and therfore has a better chance of fertilising the egg, so keep a look out for this and have sex when this occurs - british not down with all the bfp and cm? so i hope this answers your question???
2007-08-22 13:20:47 UTC
I don't think you should refer to yourself as a newbie since *I* don't know what all those abbreviations mean. Apparently *I* am the "newbie" around here!!! That clearblue easy test says you can test up to 5 days before your cycle date, sounds like you might be in the window to test.
lisa m
2007-08-22 13:59:58 UTC
its very normal for women to ovulate twice in one cycle,dont knock it love you are one of the lucky ones ,enjoy and good luck
Mrs Apple
2007-08-22 13:11:21 UTC
I don't understand what all those abbreviations mean.

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